

Quartzforms® vu de près

Plus de valeur à l’architecture d’intérieur

Des pièces rendues uniques par la brillance et l’élégance du quartz de synthèse, dans une galerie de réalisations qui inspirent des idées, suggèrent des applications et invitent à pénétrer dans le monde Quartzforms®.

New advertising campaign for Ecotone
18 Jul 2024

New advertising campaign for Ecotone

The campaign advocates a virtuous and concrete goal: to convey through a clear and concise message the importance of making responsible and environmentally friendly choices even in the selection of materials for interior design, addressing the theme of “second chances,” reuse, and recycling with the slogan: “your first choice, its second life”.
A top kitchen with Pluto
5 Nov 2020

A top kitchen with Pluto

The elegance and character of Planet Pluto are enhanced in this kitchen with a contemporary and sophisticated taste.
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